A few random thoughts and things going on lately: 2011 is off to a fairly uneventful start. I made a bunch of personal resolutions in late 2010 that I have been doing well with. I added one official 2011 resolution (in addition to the few personal goals I mentioned in my last post), which is to stop watching TV while Dylan is napping (at least during the week). I've only had one slip up so far, but otherwise I really like the restriction, I can do anything else I want. So a lot of time I clean, try to get through a few productive tasks, but I also read, listen to music, take a little nap, and surf the Internet. I remember when I was younger and I'd get a new CD and take it into my room, listen to it over and over while reading the lyrics until I knew all of the songs completely. I miss doing that. Now I'm lucky if I even learn the name of a song. Case in point, the other night I was listening to a Bright Eyes song and thought, "for some reason this song alwa...