Begin Again

I'm back!  I've decided to give this blog another go.  I've kind of been swept up in parenting, school, life stuff so I nearly made the decision to give this up completely (especially since other social media is way more accessible), but then I read through some of my old posts and realized that I miss what I used to do here.  I'm not sure I have time for it like I used to (in fact, I know I don't), but I'm not ready to completely give up either.

Brief update on life:

  1. I'm going back to school to become an elementary school teacher.  Not a music teacher or a librarian, but a general classroom teacher.  It's a lot of hard work, but I'm loving it!  Well, most of it anyway.
  2. Agnes is 2, Aaron is 5, and Dylan will be 10 in less than two weeks.  The kids are growing up!
  3. Aaron and Agnes currently have a viral form of pink eye.  It sucks, and I don't have time for sick children.
  4. I am no longer running.  I keep trying to get back in to it.  And I keep not being able to because kids get sick, I have school work, or I'm just way too exhausted.  I don't see that changing any time soon (especially since I have a crazy summer school schedule).  I'm really bummed about it because I'm super out of shape and my weight is at it's highest (aside from pregnancies).  I'm just not really sure what to do about any of it at this point though.
  5. Like with running, I haven't been doing much with photography either.  Same reasons.  Same feeling of disappointment.  I think it would be helpful to come up with a mini project to get me motivated... I need some ideas though.
More to come soon...
