Project 52: Week 49

Week 49:  Raking Leaves

Our move is cancelled.  There are many, many reasons.  And at the end of the whole process (which sucked by the way), we feel like we have made the best decision for our family as a whole.  So we're staying put, and we're happy about it.  While all of the deliberation was going on our two trees in the front yard decided to drop all of their leaves.  After things calmed down we finally got around to raking the leaves up.  By "we" I mean Matt.  The kids jumped in the piles and threw the leaves at each other and I took pictures and tried using the video feature on my DSLR (which came out alright, just really shaky).  Matt did the hard labor.  Next to tackle... the backyard leaves, which is a much bigger undertaking.  I think we're going to get a leaf blower first though.  Also, I want to keep working on the video stuff with my camera so that we can use it with the new baby :)
