Aaron at 3: Picking Dandelions

I've come to the realization that the abundance of quality alone time I have left with Aaron is rapidly dwindling.  This year, Dylan has been at school full day, so Aaron and I have been spending a good 6-7 hours together, alone, 5 days a week.  But there's only a month left of school, and then summer comes, which means Dylan will be home with us (something I'm looking forward to), and then in the fall, Aaron starts preschool, and his school-life will only get bigger and bigger from there (and I now really know the full impact of since we've been through it with Dylan).  Which means, we will never have this much time to just hang out together, just the two of us, again, something I really miss being able to do with Dylan.  So I've been trying to enjoy it all... well, expect the tantrums.  No one enjoys the tantrums.  Some days we do something special, some days we do hardly any thing at all. 

I mean, there aren't enough words to describe how much I treasure these moments.
