Project 365: Day 115

Today I set a personal running record for farthest distance... 9 miles!!!!  It was a good, but tough run.  I felt really great right up until mile 6 when I ran a slow mile to recover from a quick previous 2 miles and also ran on a different sidewalk than I normally do (a rundown, old, asphalt sidewalk) because the bike trail was super crowded.  I'm not sure if it was the mental aspect of the long run, or the sidewalk itself, but I really felt the impact of each step during that mile and it hurt!  Luckily, no one else was on that sidewalk because I audibly groaned quite a few times.  But I got back on track and felt great through miles 7 and 8.  9 was another tough one because I un-smartly finished my run going up an incline (usually I try my best to avoid that)... it definitely wasn't my fastest mile, but wasn't my slowest either, so I was happy with that.  When I finished I was STARVING and my legs were TIRED.  But other than that I felt an awesome sense of accomplishment.  All in all, I ran with an 11:07 pace, which is great for me :)  So I was thrilled.  Now I just need to stay healthy enough and maintain my current path for 5 more weeks and I'm all set for the Cherry Blossom 10 miler.  I can't wait to hit that milestone :)
