Excited and Nervous for Fall
Only one more week until Dylan starts kindergarten!!!! It's so crazy. I have totally mixed emotions about it all. On the one hand I am already nervous for him... riding the bus, finding his way to his classroom, meeting all new people, will his teacher understand him?, will he like it?, will he cry? (I most assuredly will), will there be a struggle to get him to do his homework?, will he be challenged enough? too much? it goes on and on and on. I'm also kind of dreading the fact that our family is now stuck on a school schedule. No more off season trips, or down time at the playground, we are in with the masses. Not a fun prospect for a set of parents who don't like being at crowded events. But oh well. On the other hand I'm looking forward to setting up a routine again. I completely abandoned any kind of routine or schedule this summer and instead we've been winging it... or at least winging it as much as I am capable of anyway. This has enabled us to do a lot of fun things even though we didn't travel much, but it has also completely ceased any kind of productivity on my part, and Matt's as well. Which I keep reminding myself is fine for the summer, but I"m kind of looking forward to getting back into a normal routine. With a set naptime for Aaron. And times that I know I can get stuff done. And a better bedtime for Dylan. All of which helps us function and operate more smoothly as a family.