This running thing
Just wanted to share what motivates me. It's NOT someone yelling at me and telling me that I can't do something, or I'm not doing it well enough so I need to try harder. I know a lot of people feel motivated by that (to prove someone wrong), but I don't. I just completely shut down. It didn't work while I was learning piano and it definitely doesn't work when I exercise. I need encouragement and sense of accomplishment. So instead of "Come on I know you can do this, you just need to try harder" I need "wow, look at all you've already done, great job!" And then I'll work harder, and I'll push myself... So here is what runs through my mind as I'm running these days... First off, my goals: -Most important is that I want to be healthy. After putting on a big amount of weight very suddenly while pregnant (which I know is normal and fine), I realized that I do NOT like the way I feel when I'm carrying extra weight....