My Return to the Blogging World

Aside from email, I don't think I have written a complete sentence in a very long time. I write down to-do lists, grocery lists, directions to people's houses, dinner menus, and the ABC's (Dylan's learning his letters) on a very frequent basis. I even occasionally write things in Facebook: "cute pic" "haha, awesome" with some strange amount of "!!!!" or the smiley emoticon following it, but now you don't even have to do that, you can just click the "like" button... no spelling required. Even the sentences I write in an email are less than interesting, most of them revolve around scheduling play dates "we're free Mon, Wed, or Thurs morning... you?" But as far as intelligent written communication, nada. Even earlier today, I signed and anniversary card for matt, but all I wrote was "Happy Anniversary, Love Jessica." I can actually feel my ability to coherently and intelligently express myself decreasing by the day. So I've decided to return to my blog. I just spent a few minutes reading through some of my old posts and it made me realize that I really miss it. Not just that, but I hope I can figure out how to write like that again. These first few posts may be a little rough, but hopefully my brain will kick in soon and I'll be sounding like my old, smart self again in no time.
