It's a Scrabulous Life

My newest outlet for all things entertaining, procrastinating, and time killing? Playing Scrabulous (Scrabble) on Facebook. It can be very addicting. And I'm not as terrible at it as I expected, though that's largely due to the fact that you can look up any combination of letters to see if it's a word while you're trying to make your move. I have played the regular, non-digital Scrabble (sans dictionary) at work a few times (with teenagers) and my scores dont get quite as high, but then again, neither do theirs.

Only two weeks left of school!!! Remaining assignments: a group problem set due tomorrow (done), three booktalks on Tuesday (havent even started), an exhibition review due next week (still need to go to the exhibition, then write the 4 pg review of it), and a short research paper on the differences in how librarians read to children and how parents read to children (I have a collection of resources for my research, but I havent actually read any of them yet). So I have my work cut out for me. Nothing too major, but it should keep me busy right up until my last day (2 Tuesdays from now). The only thing I've been seriously dreading is having to go to this exhibition... we can pick which one we go to (it's for an arts class though, so it needs to be somewhat related to that). Unfortunately I think that means I have to hike it out to DC this Wednesday. I'm trying to decide between going to a very small exhibit of West Side Story at the music reading room in the Library of Congress (which would be more interesting to me) or going to a Book art exhibit at the Women's Museum (which I think might be easier for the assignment, and probably more interesting for the teacher). In the end though, I'm really leaning towards the LoC... I dont think anyone in my class will think to go there, and since I'm sure it's small, it probably wont take me too long to get all the info I need. But I still dread having to go all the way out to DC for this. I just keep telling myself that in a few more weeks I'll never have homework again! That seems to get me through.
