Suze Orman's advice

Matt and I were watching Oprah while taking a break from the crazy Vegas lifestyle. Suze Orman was on giving financial advice to couples in insane amounts of debt. One tip she gave a guy who had a huge DVD collection: download his DVDs onto an iPod (or something like an iPod) and then sell the DVDs. good way to make some money... so long as you dont mind breaking the law doing it. Good advice to be giving out on national television, especially on something like Oprah, where all the unsuspecting Oprah-drones will follow whatever is said. Why dont people care about copyright laws? (granted I wish they were so crazy myself, I know that the way it is now really just protects big corporations like Disney so they can make crazy amounts of money, instead of serving the purpose copyright was created for-- to support creativity and the progress of culture-- but still, it's pretty irresponsible to go on tv and advise someone to do something illegal.)
