Maybe I'm Just Driving Too Much
You know what cars really need? Some kind of horn that lets drivers behind you know you are not happy with them. Typically when someone honks a horn the people to the front or immediate sides of the car think they are honking at them. So what am I supposed to do when Mr Jerk in a fancy mercedes is driving right on my tail and the guy in front of me keeps slamming on his brakes for no reason? And of course, i am following him at a safe distance so that I have time to step on my brakes and not hit him... which seems like a good reason to step on the brakes (as opposed to just stepping on them because they're there, which is what I think this guy was doing). But Mr Jerk behind me is practically kissing my car and I want to let him know to back off so I dont have to worry about him slamming into me when I have to react to Sir-Brakes-A-Lot. My solution: we need some kind of signal for the cars behind us. Like maybe a big banner that says "back off" or "if you...