Crunch Time

So I'm now officially at the part of the semester in which I can no longer procrastinate (though that didn't stop me from going out with matt this morning). I have 3 research papers due in the next week and a half, and I have 0 amount of significant work done for any of them. Well actually i have most of the research done, just very very very little of the writing done. And unfortunately, I think I have writer's block. I can't even seem to make very coherent outlines at this point in time. It's very frustrating. But I'm gonna have to push through and come up with something. Fortunately I have most of this week off from work. My boss and the reference librarian are going to an art's librarian conference, so instead of working tues/wed, I'm going to work fri and next monday (to help cover their absences). So that means that I have most of this week to write my papers... but unfortunately it means that I have hardly any time next week to finalize them. So I really do have a lot to do over the next few days.

In other more exciting news... this week was National Library Week. Wanna know how I knew that? ... Stephen Colbert told me (that's where I get a lot of my news). For what remains... Happy Library Week... go read a book for free!
