More Weird Jessica Quirks

So while preparing the gourmet meal of bagels and cream cheese for dinner tonight, I realized another one of my weirdnesses. While making sandwhiches, I always have to put the bread back together so the sides match. This is one of those things I never realized I did until Matt made sandwhiches one day. We were both in the kitchen and I think he had just put the peanut butter and jelly on and was getting ready to put the two pieces back together. But he was going to put them together the wrong way. As soon as I realized this I screamed out "what are you doing, that's not how it goes" or something to that effect. And this was the moment I realized my weirdness. (or it could have been a moment later when i saw the puzzled look on matt's face) Bagels present a particular challenge in this since they are very round. It's hard to tell which way they go back together so that all the sides match up perfectly again. But I'll sit there and rotate the slice around until it fits correctly. Why? I dont know, its not like it affects the taste, I just cant imagine eating a sandwhich any other way.
