Awesome Things From This Week

  1. Monday's episode of 24. Well, first of all it was awesome because they actually had 2 episodes on back to back. And I think this week was the turning point in the show. I mean, up to this point, the season had only been okay, there were just a few too many fluff episodes for my taste... but now they are starting to get back into stuff that makes 24 so unique. Though I have to admit the ending was sooooo depressing (Edgar dies *tear*), that I had to watch something funny and light afterwards. (apparently i'm not the only one who cares that Edgar is dead, as Entertainment Weekly has a Fauxbituary for him). But I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the season.
  2. Project Runway finale. YAY FOR CHLOE. She was awesome. Though if I am perfectly honest, my favorite outfit was actually a dress from Santino's collection. It was the first one down the runway, a pink evening gown thing... anyway, probably one of the very few things from the entire show I'd actually wear. But I still think overall that Chloe was consistently the best designer throughout the whole show. So i'm glad she won.
  3. Strep. Okay, so i barely survived the Flu Season (which, by the way, better be over), just in time for Strep Season. So far every single one of my piano students has been sick with the flu, and 2 of the little germ breeders came down with strep this week... I know it's only a matter of time before I get sick. I just wish I could hurry up and get it over with. Why didnt anyone warn me that the piano teaching hazard posed such a threat to my health. I used to NEVER get sick... I mean maybe like once every 2 or 3 years. But in the less than 2 years that I've worked with kids, I've been sick like 2 or 3 times. (NOTE: this is only awesome in a sarcastic way)
  4. Noodles. I've had vietnamese noodles 3 times this week... yum yum.
  5. Class schedule. The library school finally posted their summer and fall class schedules (I just found it today). Now I at least have some kind of idea about what my life will be like for the remainder of the year. I think I can sum it up in one word too... STUDY.
  6. Battlestar Galactica finale. This is on tonight, so I havent watched it yet. But i'm hoping it goes back to the good story lines and not the fluff Let's-Get-To-Really-Know-the-Troubles-of-the-Crew stuff. I'm okay with hints of that throughout a show, but I want the major plot line to be just that... a major plot line.
  7. Beautiful weather today. I took Eve for a couple extra walks.
  8. No pain. Well i've kinda been hinting that I have a problem with my shoulder due to piano related activity. Truth is that I have rotator cuff tendinosis (which my doctor described as a chronic degeneration of the tendons in my rotator cuff). Which is an overuse injury that I've had since my last semester in college (though it took me forever to actually go to a doctor about it because the only injury I was aware of was tendinitis which I was 100% positive I didnt have, so for the longest time I thought it was in my head... you know, some sort of subconcious effort to let myself out of piano). Anyway, I went through like 3 months of physical therapy last year, had a cortizone shot (which I recommend NEVER doing), and MRIs and all that stuff, but nothing helped (even though at first my doctor was 99% confident that 1 month of therapy would make me as good as new). So since November I havent played piano or really done much with my arm at all, in an effort to let my tendons heal. A few weeks ago I started doing some light exercises, and then 2 weeks ago I started playing a little piano again (like 3 days a week for no more than 20 minutes). And so far, no pain. Let's hope this keeps up, especially since I've done this routine before and somehow the pain always seems to come back eventually. Damn you Non So Pui Cosa Son (I'm convinced that's the song that started this whole thing... though it may also have something to do with the overly curved structure that is my backbone)
