I cant think of a title

Okay, so today is January 30th, and I did not need to wear a coat outside at all. In fact, i wore a t-shirt. I'm beginning to seriously wonder, what happened to winter? Where is all my snow?? Who decided to skip a season, and why didnt I get a say in the matter? (I would have much rather skipped summer.) Not that I'm complaining about the beautiful day, I just hope that we get at least one more snowfall before winter is really over. But so far, it's looking doubtful (I know, we still have a long way to go before winter is over, so I'm trying to be hopeful).

This weekend kept matt and I busy. He had a band night at church on friday. It was lots of fun. It reminded me of my high school days when I used to go to local shows, though I can definitely tell how much I've aged since then just by how much louder the tinnitus was when it was over. One of the other adults there asked me what I thought my SPL meter would say the volume was... in all honesty, I think it would have gone beyond the meter's reading capability. But I think that's how loud those things are supposed to be. Next time I'm bringing ear plugs for sure. Matt's band did a great job, the kids seemed really into it, a couple were even doing backflips and handstands and stuff. I ended up running the soundboard for a couple of the bands to prevent feedback (which there was a fair amount of anyway... sometimes I had a hard time telling the difference between feedback and weird bass tones, but I was at least able to stop it before it reached painful pitches.)

Anyway, I think we both had a great time.

Saturday we cleaned out old stuff some more. The house is going to look so much bigger once we are all done. It's amazing how much stuff people keep just for the sake of keeping it.

I think the main reason I am so anti-packrat has to do with all the times I've moved (and I have moved quite a few times). When you have to pack up and haul all your stuff less than every 3 years, you learn the difference between sentimental and crap. In fact, there are only 2 places I've ever lived for more than 3 years... Virginia for a total of 8 and a half (even though that time has been divided between Herndon, Leesburg, Fairfax, and Fredericksburg), and Texas for either 4 or 5 years (which I barely remember), oh and I did live in West Point NY for 3 years, so I guess that counts.

But other than that I've moved much more frequently... Crailsheim Germany (born) 2 years; Fort Sill Oklahoma, 9 months (okay I didnt even know I had lived in Oklahoma until I was like 10); Fort Hood Texas, 4 or 5 years; Golden Colorado, 1 year; Lakewood Colorado, 1 year; West Point NY, 3 years; Fort Leavenworth Kansas, 1 year; Geissen Germany, 1 year; Baumholder Germany (really the little town of Riechenbach), 1 year; Heidelberg Germany, 1 year; Herndon VA, 3 years; then come the college years: 1 year in Fredericksburg; 2 and a half years of semi-living in Fairfax/Herndon; and finally Leesburg VA, 2 years.

That's a lot. People always ask which one I liked the best and it would have to be Germany. I had a blast the whole time I was there, and no where else compares when it comes to travel opportunities. For instance when my youth group went on a ski trip, we went to the Swiss Alps... or for Spring break we went to Ibiza Spain (on a super-fun 24 hour bus ride... *that is meant to be read with a hint of sarcasm*). And I was able to go to Italy, France (baumholder was only an hour away... which means in the time it takes me to get to Maryland from here, i could have been in France), England, all over. It was so much fun.

So I find that if I am in one place too long (hellllloooo.... Virginia for 8 and a half years??? that's an eternity to me), I start to get antsy. And I think matt has a little bit of it too (he's moved around a lot too... though not as much as I have). And since we arent planning on moving any time soon, I think that energy is being dispersed in other areas of my life. Such as, cleaning out the house (it's like moving without going anywhere), and it possibly even has something to do with my decision to go back to school (but it's not the driving force behind my decision.) But anyway, I totally went off on a tangent, and once I start talking about how moving so often has affected me (for good and bad) I could talk forever. But I have piano student coming any minute, so I think I'll stop here for now and save the rest for another post.
