Project 52: Week 22

Week 22 (April 1):  Spring Break!
We had a lot of fun this week.  I took a lot of pictures of the kids and all the fun day trips we went on (minus the day we went to the Children's museum and I left my camera battery AND memory cards at home)  But these, which have no children in them whatsoever, are my personal favorites.  I'll probably share some of the kids in another post soon anyway.

This peacock was in a local animal park's bird house (which I later realized I could have walked through, instead I stood on the outside of the fence which limited my perspective somewhat), but he didn't move at all for a good long time, so I was able to take lots of feather pictures.  I did have to stop after a couple minutes though because Aaron really wanted to go swimming with some ducks, and I was the only thing holding him back.  Sometimes I do have to put down the camera and do the parenting thing.  But that's alright, I had enough to to get a few good images, and I kept my toddler from both falling in the pond and loving a group of ducks to death. A win all around.

the patient model


Jen said…
I love having the images in color and black and white side-by-side! I'm a sucker for those colors, though - so gorgeous! Although...I do like the contrast of the black & white! Such beautiful photos!

Thank you for joining us again this week!
Purfylle said…
My favourites are the top and bottom shots. Peacocks have the most amazing colours!