New Goal

I miss having a photo project to work on. I finished up my 52 in November, I made it halfway through a 365 two years ago. But with the new baby I decided not to start one this year. I'm reconsidering now. The new baby has made me want to take more pictures. Plus, I also sold my old crop frame camera and gear and used that money to get an upgraded 50 mm 1.4 lens (I had the 1.8). Which also makes me want to take more photos. So now I'm trying to decide what I want to do next.  Some initial ideas: A Day in the Life, an updated overview of what our family life is like now (I did one like this in 2012 after Aaron was born), a series of mom and Agnes selfies (I've already started this, I use my iPhone to make it easier on myself), a new Project 52 or 365 with some combo of dslr and iPhone pictures, a 52 of abstract pictures (which is what I probably would have opted for if I didn't have the baby this year), or the Clickin Mom Instagram Prompts.  I just have to figure out what I can commit to, maybe I'll be ready for something in March. 

One of my mom and Agnes selfies. 
