Yay for Forms

Don't ask why, but I absolutely love filling out forms, so these are a treat for me!

1. Sleep with or without clothes on? with
2. Prefer black or blue pens? black
3. Dress up on Halloween? no i dont really like halloween
4. Like to travel? of course
5. do you like some one? yep
6. Does he/she know? i sure hope so
7. Who sleeps with you every night? matt
8. Think you're attractive? i guess i'm ok
9. Want to get married? i am
10. Who? matt
11. Are you a good student? I was, i love school
12. Are you currently happy? yes because I am filling out a form!
13. Have you ever cheated at a game? solitaire, all the time
14. Birthplace? crailsheim germany
15. Christmas or Halloween? christmas
16. Colored or black-and-white photo? black and white
17. Do long distance relationships work? they can
18. Do you believe in Astrology? no
19. Could you date a good friend? yes
20. Do you believe in love at first sight? not really
21. Do you consider yourself the life of the party? not even close
22. Do you drink? occasionally
23. Do you kiss well?yes
24. What is your dream car? whatever the most reliable car is that has a hook up for my iPod
25. Do you make fun of people? i try not to
26. Do you think dreams eventually come true? if you put some work into them
27. Fave thing to do? spend time with my husband
28. Fave breakfast food? belgian waffles, sausage, hash browns, yum
29. Fave Candy? jelly bellys
30. Fave Vacation spot? colorado- for xc skiing, and most anywhere in europe
31. Favorite body part of the opposite? eyes
32. Favorite cartoon? south park
33. Go to the movies or rent? rent
34. Have you ever moved? so many times I ran out of fingers to count (like 11, not including college moves)
35. Have you ever stolen anything (from a store)? no
36. How's the weather right now? it's too dark to tell
37. Hug or kiss? kiss
38. Last person you talked to on the phone? harmony
39. Last time you showered? this afternoon
40. Loud or Soft Music: loud
41. McDonalds or Burger King? burger king
42. Night or day? day
43. Number of Pillows? start with 2, end up with none
44. Piano or guitar? piano!
45. Rap or R&B? rap
46. Nike or Adidas? puma

Have u ever............................
() played Spin the Bottle?
() Toilet Paper someone's house
(x ) Played Poker with money
() Gone swimming in a white T-shirt
(x) Been tickled so hard you couldn't talk
(x) Liked someone but never told them
(x) Went camping...
() Worn somthing your mom didn't appove of
(x) Burnt yourself with a curling iron/straightener.. ((like this afternoon...))
( ) Wanted to be a police officer
() Dumped someone
() Been hit on by someone too old
( ) Wanted to be a model
(x) bought lottery tickets
(x) Made out in a car
(x) cried during a movie
(x) Wanted something you couldn't have
( ) Had sex on the beach
(x) Seen someone shoplift
(x) Hung up on someone
(x) Yelled at your pet
() Tried to strip when drunk
(x) Gotten seasick
() Had a stalker
() Played a prank on somone that had them really scared
(x) Been embarassed by one of your family members
() Felt bad about eating meat
(x) Been to an island
(x ) Been in love
(x) Ate just because you were bored
(x) looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww"
( ) Saw your ex and wanted to kick his/her ass
(x) Cursed in front of your parents
( x) Been in a commerical on tv... as a passerby on an army commercial when we lived in germany, totally accidental (i forgot all about that)
(x) Been out of the country.
() Been honked at by some guy/girl when you were walking down the sidewalk
( x) won at pool... rarely
() Been lost out to sea
( ) Cheated on your bf/gf
( ) been cheated on
( ) Tanned topless

Can you...
(x) unwrap a starburst with your tongue
() Open your eyes underwater
(x) Ice skate
(x) sing in front of a crowd
() Whistle
(x) Be a meanie at times
( ) Do thirty pull ups
() Walk in really high heels
(x) Eat super spicy foods
( ) Skateboard
(x) Sleep with the lights on
(x) Multi task
( ) Touch your nose with your tounge


Anonymous said…
Sifry Gets Economized, But Problems Persist with Splogs
Congrats to Technorati's David Sifry , who is profiled in the latest issue of The Economist .
Reno Real Estate is crazy dude. Can't afford to buy anything now. Should bought years ago.